In today’s digital world, there is an ongoing debate about whether cursive writing still has a place in school curriculums. If you’re wondering whether kids today really need to learn cursive, here’s a quick answer: cursive is becoming increasingly irrelevant and schools should focus more on developing digital literacy skills.

With the rise of keyboards, tablets, and smartphones, people are writing by hand less and less. While some argue cursive is important for development fine motor skills, there are other ways to accomplish this.

Given the limited time in school, teaching cursive means sacrificing focus on more relevant and practical skills.

Cursive is rarely used in everyday life

One of the main reasons why cursive should not be taught in schools is that it is rarely used in everyday life. In today’s digital age, most people communicate through typing on computers, smartphones, or tablets.

The need for cursive handwriting has significantly diminished, as most written communication is done electronically.

According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center, over 85% of Americans own a smartphone and use it as their primary means of communication. With the rise of technology, the art of cursive writing has become less relevant in our daily lives.

Moreover, in the workplace, typing skills are often more valuable than cursive handwriting. Companies rely heavily on digital communication, and employees are expected to be proficient in typing and using various software applications.

Cursive handwriting is rarely required or even preferred in professional settings.

So, why spend valuable classroom time teaching cursive when it has such limited practical applications in today’s world?

By eliminating cursive instruction, schools can focus on teaching skills that are more relevant to the needs of students. For example, computer literacy, coding, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills are in high demand in the job market.

These skills are essential for success in the modern workforce and should take priority over cursive handwriting.

It is important to adapt our education system to the evolving needs of society.

While some argue that cursive writing helps with fine motor skills and cognitive development, there are other activities and exercises that can achieve the same goals without the need for cursive handwriting.

Teachers can incorporate activities such as puzzles, drawing, or playing musical instruments to enhance motor skills and cognitive abilities.

Additionally, teaching cursive can be time-consuming and take away from other important subjects.

With limited classroom time and an increasing emphasis on standardized testing, schools must prioritize subjects that have a direct impact on students’ future success. By eliminating cursive instruction, schools can allocate more time to subjects like math, science, and language arts, which are more essential for academic and career development.


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Cursive is difficult for some students to learn

One of the main reasons why cursive should not be taught in schools is that it can be difficult for some students to learn. Cursive writing involves connecting letters in a flowing manner, which requires a certain level of fine motor skills and coordination.

Not all students possess these skills naturally, and forcing them to learn cursive can lead to frustration and feelings of inadequacy.

Furthermore, with the increasing use of technology in schools and everyday life, the need for cursive writing has diminished. Most communication today is done digitally, through typing or texting, making cursive less relevant in the modern world.

Instead of spending time and resources on teaching cursive, schools could focus on more practical skills that will benefit students in their future careers.

It is important to note that cursive is not a necessary skill for success in today’s society. Many successful individuals, including entrepreneurs, professionals, and even educators, do not possess proficient cursive writing skills.

In fact, some argue that cursive is becoming obsolete and that time spent on teaching it could be better utilized for other subjects that will better prepare students for the future.

According to Education Week, 21 states in the United States require cursive to be taught in schools. This shows a shift in priorities among educators and policymakers, recognizing the limited practicality of cursive in today’s world.

Instead, emphasis is being placed on skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and digital literacy.

Time spent learning cursive could be better utilized

One of the main reasons why cursive should not be taught in schools is that the time spent learning this skill could be better utilized for other subjects. With the ever-increasing demands of the modern world, students need to be equipped with practical skills that are directly applicable to their future careers.

While cursive handwriting may have been important in the past, it is no longer a crucial skill in today’s digital age.

Focus on technology and digital literacy

In today’s technologically driven society, it is more important for students to focus on developing their digital literacy skills. The ability to navigate and effectively use computers, smartphones, and other digital devices is essential for success in almost every field.

By dedicating time to teaching cursive, schools are taking away precious hours that could be used to enhance students’ proficiency in technology and prepare them for the digital world they will be entering.

Emphasis on essential subjects

With limited classroom hours, schools must prioritize teaching essential subjects such as math, science, language arts, and social studies. These subjects provide students with a strong foundation of knowledge and skills that are necessary for their overall education.

By eliminating cursive from the curriculum, schools can allocate more time and resources to these core subjects, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education.

Adaptation to modern communication methods

In today’s fast-paced world, most communication is done through digital platforms such as email, instant messaging, and social media. The need for cursive handwriting has drastically diminished, as individuals now rely on typing and digital communication methods.

Instead of spending valuable time on learning cursive, students would benefit more from developing their written communication skills in the context of modern technology.

Individual learning needs

Every student has unique learning needs and abilities. For some students, cursive handwriting may present a challenge and hinder their overall academic progress. By eliminating the requirement to learn cursive, schools can create a more inclusive learning environment that accommodates the diverse needs of all students.

This allows teachers to focus on individual strengths and areas of improvement, promoting a more personalized and effective education system.

Typing is a more relevant skill today

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, the way we communicate and interact with the world is changing. One of the most significant changes is the shift towards digital communication and the increasing reliance on computers and smartphones.

In this digital age, typing has become an essential skill that is highly valued in the workplace and everyday life. Here are five reasons why typing is a more relevant skill today than cursive handwriting.

1. Efficiency and speed

Typing allows individuals to communicate and express their thoughts more efficiently and quickly compared to cursive handwriting. With the ability to type at high speeds, individuals can compose emails, write reports, and complete assignments in a fraction of the time it would take to write them by hand.

This increased efficiency can greatly benefit students and professionals who are often pressed for time and need to complete tasks quickly and accurately.

2. Accessibility and legibility

One of the main advantages of typing is its accessibility and legibility. Unlike cursive handwriting, which can be difficult to read for some individuals, typed text is clear, uniform, and easy to understand.

This makes it easier for others to read and comprehend the information being conveyed, especially for people with learning disabilities or visual impairments. Additionally, typed text can be easily edited and corrected, allowing for errors to be fixed quickly and without leaving any trace.

3. Digital communication and collaboration

In today’s interconnected world, much of our communication and collaboration happens online. From emails and instant messaging to shared documents and online platforms, digital communication has become the norm. Typing is a crucial skill for effectively engaging in these digital interactions.

It allows individuals to participate in online discussions, collaborate on projects, and communicate with colleagues and peers from anywhere in the world. Cursive handwriting, on the other hand, limits individuals’ ability to engage fully in these digital communication platforms.

4. Future job prospects

As technology continues to shape the job market, employers are increasingly seeking candidates with strong typing skills. Many job positions today require individuals to work with computers, type reports, create presentations, and navigate various software programs.

The ability to type quickly and accurately is seen as a valuable asset in the workplace, and it can significantly enhance an individual’s employability. Investing time in developing and honing typing skills can open up a wide range of job opportunities in various industries.

5. Adaptability to technological advancements

Technology is constantly evolving, and new devices and software are being introduced regularly. Typing skills provide individuals with the flexibility and adaptability to navigate and utilize these new technologies effectively.

Whether it’s using smartphones, tablets, or laptops, the ability to type quickly and accurately allows individuals to take full advantage of the features and functionalities of these devices. In contrast, cursive handwriting skills may become obsolete as technology continues to advance.


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Cursive is not required for most standardized tests

One of the main arguments against teaching cursive in schools is that it is not required for most standardized tests. In today’s digital age, the majority of exams and assessments are conducted online or using computer-based systems.

These platforms typically require students to type their responses, eliminating the need for cursive handwriting skills. This is especially true for college entrance exams like the SAT and ACT, which are administered digitally.

Therefore, spending valuable classroom time teaching cursive may not be the most efficient use of resources.

No cursive questions on standardized tests

When students sit for standardized tests, they are usually not required to write in cursive. The questions and prompts are designed to be answered using printed or typed text. This means that students who have not been taught cursive will not be at a disadvantage when taking these exams.

In fact, many students find it easier and quicker to type their responses rather than write them out by hand. With the increasing emphasis on computer literacy and digital skills, it makes sense to prioritize teaching keyboarding skills over cursive handwriting.

Focus on essential skills

With limited classroom time and an ever-growing list of subjects and skills to cover, it is important for schools to prioritize teaching essential skills that are relevant to students’ future success.

While cursive handwriting may have been important in the past, it is no longer considered a critical skill in today’s society. Instead, schools should focus on teaching skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and digital literacy, which are more aligned with the demands of the modern workforce.

Time constraints

Teaching cursive handwriting takes time, and with the increasing pressure to cover a wide range of subjects and meet academic standards, schools may find it difficult to allocate sufficient time for cursive instruction.

Time spent on cursive handwriting could be better utilized for other subjects or activities that have a greater impact on students’ academic and personal development. By eliminating cursive from the curriculum, schools can allocate more time to subjects like STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) or arts education, which are considered to be more relevant and beneficial in today’s society.


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Resources available online

For students who are interested in learning cursive or for parents who believe it is still an important skill, there are numerous online resources available. Websites like Handwriting for Kids offer free cursive handwriting practice sheets and interactive lessons.

These resources provide a convenient way for students to learn cursive independently, without taking up valuable classroom time.


In conclusion, while cursive writing once served an important function, its relevance has diminished significantly in the digital age. With only limited instructional time available, schools should prioritize teaching skills that will best prepare students for today’s world.

Rather than mandatory cursive instruction, schools should focus more on developing digital literacy and keyboarding skills starting at an early age.

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