Student councils are a great way for students to get involved in making positive changes at their school. As a student leader, coming up with fresh ideas to improve student life can be challenging. This comprehensive guide outlines 15 actionable student council ideas you can propose to make your school better.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: Host fun events, improve recycling, suggest healthier lunches, start student-teacher sports teams, and create new clubs and extracurricular activities.

In this 2000 word guide, we will provide detailed examples and step-by-step instructions to help your student council brainstorm ideas, get administration approval, and successfully execute projects to enhance school spirit, academics, sustainability, activities, and more.

Ideas to Boost School Spirit and Community

Creating a vibrant and positive school environment is essential for fostering a sense of community and boosting school spirit. Here are some innovative ideas to help improve school spirit and bring students, teachers, and staff closer together.

Host School Dances and Events

One of the most effective ways to boost school spirit is by hosting fun and engaging events like school dances. These events provide students with an opportunity to socialize and have a great time with their peers.

Additionally, organizing themed events such as costume parties or talent shows can add an extra element of excitement. Encouraging student involvement in planning and executing these events can also foster a sense of ownership and pride in the school community.


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Organize School Pep Rallies

Pep rallies are a fantastic way to generate enthusiasm and support for the school’s sports teams. Organizing pep rallies before important games can help create a sense of unity and pride among students.

These events can include cheerleading performances, team introductions, and even friendly competitions or games. By involving the entire student body, pep rallies can create a contagious energy that will carry over to the games and support the school’s athletes.

Decorate for Holidays and School Events

Decorating the school for holidays and special events can instantly uplift the spirits of students and staff. Whether it’s Halloween, Christmas, or even Homecoming, incorporating festive decorations throughout the school can create a cheerful and welcoming atmosphere.

Encouraging student participation in decorating committees can foster a sense of belonging and pride in the school community.

Plan Teacher Appreciation Activities

Recognizing and appreciating the hard work of teachers is crucial for maintaining a positive and supportive school environment. Planning teacher appreciation activities throughout the year can help boost morale and make teachers feel valued.

Ideas include organizing surprise breakfasts, creating handmade cards or gifts, or hosting special events to honor teachers for their dedication and commitment to education.

Implementing these ideas can significantly enhance school spirit and community engagement. By creating an environment that fosters a sense of belonging and pride, students will feel more connected to their school and be motivated to contribute positively to its growth and success.

Ideas to Support Academics and Learning

Start Tutoring and Mentorship Programs

One great idea to support academics and learning is to start tutoring and mentorship programs. These programs can match older or more experienced students with younger or struggling students who need extra help.

Tutoring and mentorship programs provide a valuable opportunity for students to learn from each other and build strong relationships. Research has shown that peer tutoring can significantly improve academic performance and boost confidence levels.

According to a study from the Journal of Advances in Medical Education & Professionalism, schools that implement tutoring and mentorship programs see a significant increase in academic performance among students.

By implementing such programs, schools can create a supportive and collaborative learning environment.

Create Study Groups and Resources

Another idea to support academics and learning is to create study groups and resources. Study groups allow students to come together and study collaboratively, sharing their knowledge and helping each other understand difficult concepts.

These groups can be facilitated by teachers or organized by students themselves. Additionally, schools can create resources such as study guides, online forums, or websites where students can access helpful materials and engage in discussions.

Research has shown that students who participate in study groups have a better understanding of the material and perform better on exams. They also develop important skills such as communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. 

Providing these resources encourages independent learning and fosters a sense of community among students.

Organize Academic Competitions

Organizing academic competitions is a fun and engaging way to support academics and learning. These competitions can cover various subjects and topics, allowing students to showcase their knowledge and skills.

Academic competitions not only encourage healthy competition but also motivate students to strive for excellence in their studies. They can also help identify talented individuals who may have a future in specific fields.

A paper from the journal Gifted Child Today reported that academic competitions enhance students’ cognitive abilities and foster a passion for learning. They also provide opportunities for students to develop important life skills such as problem-solving and time management.

Schools can collaborate with other institutions or even host their own competitions to promote academic achievement.

Advocate for Curriculum Improvements

One of the most impactful ways to support academics and learning is to advocate for curriculum improvements. This involves working with teachers, administrators, and educational policymakers to ensure that the curriculum is up-to-date, relevant, and comprehensive.

Schools can conduct surveys or gather feedback from students to identify areas that need improvement and propose changes accordingly. By advocating for curriculum improvements, schools can provide students with a more engaging and enriching learning experience.

Advocating for curriculum improvements can lead to higher student engagement, increased motivation, and improved overall educational outcomes. A study published in Medical Education Online found that students who have access to a well-designed curriculum are more likely to succeed academically.

Ideas to Make the Campus More Eco-Friendly

Creating a more sustainable and eco-friendly campus is not only beneficial for the environment, but it also helps to create a healthier and more enjoyable learning environment for students. Here are some ideas that student councils can implement to make their campus more eco-friendly:

1. Improve Recycling and Composting

One of the most effective ways to make a campus eco-friendly is to improve recycling and composting programs. Student councils can work with the school administration to set up designated recycling bins throughout the campus and educate students on the importance of recycling.

They can also encourage the use of composting bins for food waste, which can then be used as fertilizer for a community garden or donated to local farms.

2. Organize Campus Cleanups

Campus cleanups are a great way to not only beautify the campus but also raise awareness about the importance of keeping the environment clean. Student councils can organize regular cleanup events where students, teachers, and staff come together to pick up litter and maintain the cleanliness of the campus.

These events can also be used as an opportunity to educate participants about proper waste disposal and the impact of litter on the environment.

3. Start a Community Garden

Starting a community garden on campus is an excellent way to promote sustainability and teach students about the importance of growing their own food. Student councils can allocate a section of the campus for the garden and organize gardening workshops for interested students.

The produce from the garden can be used in the school cafeteria or donated to local food banks, fostering a sense of community and reducing waste.

4. Advocate for Sustainable Practices

Student councils can play a vital role in advocating for sustainable practices within the school community. They can collaborate with the administration to implement energy-saving initiatives such as installing LED lights, promoting the use of natural lighting, and encouraging the use of energy-efficient appliances.

Additionally, student councils can organize awareness campaigns and workshops to educate students about the importance of conserving energy and reducing their carbon footprint.

By implementing these ideas, student councils can make a significant impact on their campus and inspire others to embrace eco-friendly practices. Remember, small changes can lead to big results when it comes to creating a greener and more sustainable future.

Ideas to Improve Student Health and Wellness

Student health and wellness are vital for creating a positive and productive learning environment. Here are some innovative ideas that can help improve the well-being of students:

Offer Healthier Menu Options

One effective way to promote student health is by offering healthier menu options in the school cafeteria. Incorporating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can provide students with the nutrients they need to stay energized throughout the day.

By partnering with local farmers or food suppliers, schools can ensure that these options are affordable and readily available. Encouraging students to make healthy choices will not only benefit their physical health but also their academic performance.

Host Wellness Fairs and Events

Wellness fairs and events are a fantastic way to engage students in activities that promote their overall well-being. These events can include interactive booths on topics such as nutrition, mental health, exercise, and stress management.

By involving local health professionals and organizations, schools can provide students with valuable resources and educational materials. Additionally, hosting wellness challenges or competitions can foster a sense of community and encourage students to prioritize their health.

Start Intramural Sports Teams

Participating in sports not only improves physical fitness but also enhances teamwork, discipline, and leadership skills. By starting intramural sports teams, schools can provide opportunities for students to engage in friendly competition and stay active.

These teams can be inclusive, allowing students of all skill levels to participate and enjoy the benefits of physical activity. Creating a positive sports culture within the school can also boost school spirit and foster a sense of belonging among students.

Create Stress Relief Activities

High levels of stress can negatively impact student well-being and academic performance. It is important for schools to provide stress relief activities that can help students manage their stress effectively.

This can include implementing mindfulness sessions, organizing yoga or meditation classes, or providing access to stress relief resources such as relaxation apps or counseling services. By prioritizing stress management, schools can create a supportive environment where students can thrive both academically and mentally.

Implementing these ideas can greatly contribute to improving student health and wellness. By prioritizing healthy eating, hosting wellness fairs, starting intramural sports teams, and providing stress relief activities, schools can create an environment where students can flourish both physically and mentally.

Remember, a healthy student is a happy student!

Ideas to Expand Extracurriculars and Clubs

Extracurricular activities and clubs play a vital role in a student’s overall development. They provide opportunities for students to explore their interests, develop new skills, and build lasting friendships. Here are some innovative ideas to expand extracurriculars and clubs in your school:

Start New Clubs Based on Student Interests

One way to foster student engagement is by starting new clubs based on their interests. Encourage students to propose ideas for clubs they would like to see in the school. This could range from a robotics club, a debate club, or even a cooking club.

By allowing students to take the lead in forming these clubs, you are promoting a sense of ownership and ensuring that the clubs align with their passions.

Organize Club Fairs to Promote Involvement

To create awareness and generate excitement about the various clubs available, organizing a club fair can be a great idea. This event can showcase the different clubs, their activities, and achievements.

Students can interact with club members, learn about their experiences, and sign up for clubs that interest them. Encourage clubs to set up engaging displays and demonstrations to attract students and pique their curiosity.

Fundraise for Arts, Music, and Sports

Arts, music, and sports are essential aspects of a well-rounded education. However, funding for these programs can sometimes be limited. The student council can take the initiative to organize fundraisers specifically for these areas.

Whether it’s a talent show, a concert, or a sports tournament, these events not only raise funds but also create a sense of community and school spirit. The funds raised can be used to enhance equipment, provide scholarships, or support students’ participation in competitions.

Create Leadership and Mentorship Programs

Leadership and mentorship programs are valuable opportunities for students to develop their skills and give back to the school community. The student council can work with teachers and administrators to establish programs that pair experienced students with younger ones.

These mentors can provide guidance, support, and advice, helping younger students navigate their academic and extracurricular journey. Additionally, leadership programs can be designed to train students in organizational, communication, and problem-solving skills, empowering them to take on leadership roles within clubs and other student-led initiatives.


Implementing even a few of these student council ideas can lead to big improvements in school culture and student life. Get creative in thinking about what your student body needs. Survey students for feedback and present well-researched proposals to administration.

With passion and thoughtful planning, your student council can spearhead positive change and make your time in high school more fulfilling and memorable.

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